Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Blah is kind of exerting itself these past few days. The kids, Scott and I have all been pretty mellow and laid back. Adrien is finally starting to feel better, granted he is still a bit iffy on food. Isabella thankfully, did not get sick and her two top teeth are working their way through. They are both starting to pack on a bit of chub and are most likely going to get taller soon. Isabella is thinking more and more about walking. She will stand in the middle of a room unassisted and look very, very proud of herself. I watch her watch Adrien as he runs away from her with cars and toys. I know she is thinking about it, she gets the most envious face on and purses her lips or sticks her tongue in her cheek.
Adrien is becoming more clingy, while at the same time becoming more of a brat. As Sam said though, "You so deserve this." It's actually kind of funny for the most part. I know he will (crossing my fingers) grow out of this stage, but at the same time watching him scream and writhe on the ground is not exactly fun. While Sam was here, he seemed to find everyone one of Isabella's pacifiers for himself. He has been fine without one for the most part, but then all of a sudden he just got really attached to them again. The day Sam left, however, he stopped. He hasn't been looking for them or trying to steal them. In the morning if he comes in and she is still asleep he doesn't try to take it out of her mouth anymore. The whole thing is weird.
We are thinking about getting him a little potty again, though. He is watching Scott and starting to experiment with holding his penis to pee. He did it in the bath a few weeks ago to pee on his hand, that was pretty funny. And he is taking his diapers off more and more frequently now to check out the goods down below. As I write this in fact, he is footloose and fancy free, probably peeing on the carpet downstairs while Scott laughs. Isabella is attempting a nap. I might have to give her some Tylenol for her teeth, but I'm hoping not.

I planted some daffodil bulbs today and am going to work my way around the house with some more tomorrow. I got a bag of 75 at Lowe's the other day. A great deal! The bulbs are huge! I can't wait to go back this weekend and get the tulip bulbs. But what I really can't wait for, is spring. I know it's not even winter yet, but the thought of spring, with it's warm breezes and smiling flowers is getting me excited about the gardening I have been doing this year.

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